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check out our FAQ's

Frequently asked questions

How do I get started?

You have two options:

  1. You can sign up and leave the app building to a pro, once it is
    you will still get full control over your app and can edit and add
    content any time you like
  2. You set up an account and build your own app using the easy to
    use platform from your own dashboard area,we’ll support you
    through it and you can hand it over to the team to take over at any
    point of building

What happens when I launch my app?

Once you launch your app you will go through and select a payment plan,
the app is then passed on to our in-house deployers where they will check
your app is working ok then it goes to Apple and Android to be submitted
to the app stores where your customers can download your app

How do I promote my app?

Congratulations your app is available on the marketplace, now to promote
your app, you will get a button for your website that will prompt your customers
to the App store where they can download it to their mobile device. You can
also share your app on social media and reach out to a wider audience

How much does it cost?

You can sign up free of charge and also build as many apps as you please
untill you’re happy, you will only be charged once you launch your app

How do I pay for an app?

Using our online payment service you can set up recurring payments

Want to know more?

If you have any questions or are interested in powering your business with
a mobile app please fill in the form below and we will be in touch
